Sunday 12 April 2015

    Words are sharper than the two-edged sword

In the era of globalisation where Countries are interconnecting themselves due to many advancements in the society, It has also suffered many trial and tribulations some are tangible others are intangible. The world has gone through two major wars World war I and world war II. But as the matter of fact these wars were not fought directly with weapons. Inception point of any contention is 'Words'. Words don’t impact on par with weapons but its impact is even more deeper and eternal. The rhetoric speech of a demagogue is enough to set ablaze whole human race. India's foreign policy is in tandem with few countries while with others it is always in confrontation. In this era of nuclear weapon no one is less powerful. We can settle any dispute through dialogue by sitting around the table. Words can rescue us from a great deal of turmoil. Sophisticated weapons can do only physical damages while stringent and harsh statements can blot the soul which is irreparable. Restitution of physical damages is possible while the wounds procreated by words are enduring.

The words of Mahatma Gandhi influenced the masses and brought every section of society under one umbrella which was not possible by any sword or other weapon and succeeded in getting independence from the British. For Every philosopher their capital asset is their thinking which they express through their powerful words and brought about many social, political and economic revolutions. Russian revolution was not possible without Lenin's effective words.The post WW II  'Iron- Curtain' speech given by Winston Churchil at Westminster college was so efficacious that it marked the beginning of Cold- War era. Execution of Chanakya's wisdom and words has helped Chandragupta to regain his throne. The loud and vociferous voice of Raja ram mohan roy eliminated and culminated many social evils from the society. Rabindranath Tagore, Bankim chandra chatterji and many other writers created a social revolution in the minds of Indian people and acquainted them with rationality.

Terrorist groups are creating havoc all around the world. They are destructing peace on earth and fostering animosity among different groups. Terrorists are not born they are made by creating an edifice of hatred in their hearts by brainwashing. They are trained by vindictive words, Words of hatred penetrate through their hearts, eradicate humanity and instal an abhorrent demon. Their diabolic intention created by those harsh words are being manifested by cutting edge armaments.Two edged sword is more hazardous than one edge as in one shot it can damage through both edges but the words are more potent than any two edge sword. We can anticipate the devastation done by words. Intensity of words can adjust the gravity of impairment.  

Society do not allow everything what an individual wants, often commonly uttered words become faux-pas in many context. That is why we have legal laws in Indian penal code (IPC) against the defamatory words. Words can malign others which can make them socially incompetent to live a life with full dignity. Words are sharper than two edge sword. Swords can kill a person but cant take his or her dignity. But by words one can lose both life and dignity. Once William Shakespeare had said " Mine honour is my life both grow in one take honour from me and my life is done'. The impact of words can be seen in a debate where bad things are presented in such a way that eloquence alone is sufficient to defeat the motion.  Hate speeches are enough to foment the mob. By misinterpretation of words the world can have more destruction than the two world wars collectively had.

In nutshell we can say that words can be used in both perspective. It can be the bone of contention, if efficaciously managed it can be proved as the antidote for energetic venom. King Solomon has said " Death and life are in the power of the tongue'. Its totally upto the use of the word; it can beget life if it is used constructively and it can end life if it is used destructively.

By:- Tanveer Ashraf