Sunday 5 October 2014

          INDIA--Present Challenges and Future Strategies

India is synonymous with diversity and this diversity is not new in Indian perspective. Todays modern India is blend of many ideas and ideals which were the legacy of great dreamers of the country like Jawaharlal Nehru, Sardar Vallabhbhai patel and Mahatma Gandhi. They dreamed an extraordinary Dream and steered clear of all impediments to accomplish it. Although notwithstanding post independent big feats India has punched below its weight. Pious intentions with which they fight to death to free India from the clinch of Britons is still unfinished, their ideas have been fading as few are there to take care of. A nexus of unscrupulous leaders, mediators and traitors is dragging India to abysmal. For me this scene is nightmare as my Dream of India is very contradictory.

What all of us can do in our Individual capacity, in solidarity can do miracles. So my dream of India is easy to perceive but hard to decipher how to instill soul in that intangible DREAM and make it a reality. I dream for a utopia that India will be in the very 21st century. I see India as a ‘School’ from where the whole world can learn something and this is the reason for which India has been regarded as the ‘World Guru’. I am waiting for that day when India will be a super power not in perspective of armament but for its lenient nature and self-reliant. India should be so competent to alleviate destitution. Redistribution of resources should be done with full probity and egalitarianism of indian society is sine qua non to realize the power of democracy. World’s largest democracy is going through various trial and tribulation, it is fighting hard for its existence as it is encountering many undemocratic rivalries.

Women and Girl should be treated on par with men or boy. Male-chauvinism must be eradicated from the grassroot level. Domestic violence is calamitous in Indian household it jeopardize the life of many girls. They often set ablazed in trivial matters. Even in high educated society women are not getting a level playing field, they are paid less for the same work as compared to men. The Image of India in my psyche is very different from this, Indian society should be the precedent of uniformity and everyone must be the exorcist of social evils.

Destitution is like an epidemic in Indian perspective, it has plagued the people by degrading their living style. Poverty is a vicious circle, coming out of it for a common man is not a cakewalk. They are caught in a quandary where emancipation for them is still an enigma. Post Independent India has seen miserable conditions of people, although people have rehabilitated from it, Inequality has augmented. Poor are getting poorer and rich are getting staggeringly rich. In my India of dream there would be “No affluent No indigents”. No one will sleep with an appetite belly, there would be an arrangement for at least three square meal a day for all and sundry.

India is a home of almost every religion in the world, this diverse multi-religious blend is uniqueness of Indian culture. This cultural heritage must be protected from the religious fanatics. My view of India should be a Nation where people live under one umbrella and religion must not be the entity of Identity. Cogent secular state will ensure no wretchedness in the society, serenity and harmony will flourish all over the country. Egalitarianism should be the doctrine of Indian society. Discrimination on the basis of cast, creed, sect, and religion would be declared as faux-pas. It will enhance amiability, fraternity and will connect every Indian citizen in a single thread. 

M.K. Gandhi had said “Religion can never be separated from politics”. He was dead right at that time, but in 21st century even mere juxtaposition of both religion and Politics can prove pernicious for national harmony. I see India as a place where Government and governance can never be intrude on by religious institutions and organizations which is mandatory for smooth functioning of government machinery.

Citizens are more pessimist than optimist, they always see the dark facet of any thing by discarding huge bright side. In this regard Steinbeck’s statement compel me to zero in on … ..“It has always seemed strange to me...The things we admire in men, kindness and generosity, openness, honesty, understanding and feeling, are the concomitants of failure in our system. And those traits we detest, sharpness, greed, acquisitiveness, meanness, egotism and self-interest, are the traits of success. And while men admire the quality of the first they love the produce of the second.””   Then what is wrong with the system?  Why there is contrast between belief and practice? One possible answer to this question is We do so to get the things done in more easy way than following the legitimate way. People often regard an honest person as moron, cunning peoples are adored everywhere. I am dreaming for a Volte-face system where all things would be rectified. Probity will be adored and meanness will be detested. People in India have some kind of pre-conceived notion and frivolous mindset which I regard the major impediment in the development. Somewhere scarcity of cognizance is making them incompetent in every arena of life. Social and economic development is not in tandem which is the major cause of downgraded lifestyle especially in rural areas. APJ Abdul kalam Sir’s provision of PURA(Provision of urban amenities in rural areas)  can bridge the gap between light and dark side of India.

Justice must reach the poor in stipulated time. In this dog-eat-dog and commercial world Justice is bought and sold by the rich and famous. Truth is gagged by delinquents and for poor in course of justice inordinate delay means justice denied. ‘Rule of law’ must be established. Theft for a bottle of water should not be criminalized if one is doing so for quenching their thirst and real criminals who siphon off public treasury should be put behind the bar. Money and muscle strength should not be the parameter of enforcement of law. Law and its implementation should be uniform regardless of region, post , money power, muscle power and Influence.My dream of India is a place where money should not be the hurdle in seeking justice. Rule of law becomes meaningless when Advocates in high court and supreme court charge exorbitant fee.

It is my Cri de coeur to see ‘corruption free India’. Burgeoning corruption is really mindboggling and it is rampant due to system fiasco. Governance has always seen with doubts, due to lack of proper accountability and transparency ambiguity prevails in the system. Things are being done only on papers. These illegitimacy must be redress through cogent machinery. I am cent percent sure India would be a place of worth living when the aforesaid things which i described earlier will be a reality and India will emerge as a superpower.

By:- Tanveer Ashraf

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