Thursday, 16 January 2014

                           Political fate of India   

India is going through political crisis. Whether it is agitation of Anna Hazare for Anti-graft  Bill  i.e. Ombudsman (Lokpal), or bifurcation of Andhra pradesh into Seemandhra and Telangana which is still a vexatious and contentious issue for both province as well as central politics, or It is Damini rape case due to fragile governance, These all country wide spectacle clearly depicts the "Weak Government" and it is a Political fiasco. Political pandemonium is symptom of Flailing governance. Politics has always been associated with deteriorated and abhorrent deeds. In India it is often uttered that If you want to join politics you must have criminal background. Criminals and politicians are regarded as synonyms and they are often used interchangeably. Although it doesn’t applied for all and sundry, Ninety percent of the politicians give the other ten percent a bad reputation. Young people's political participation has long been a concern. It is commonly said that for good people Politics is their last Job. Most of the parliamentarians have criminal cases , one can easily get flabbergasted ""How a lawmaker has become a lawbreaker".

Politicians are perpetrator, they are the real impediment on the way of development , According to the latest data available with the World Bank, India is the world's 10th largest economy by nominal GDP and 3rd largest Economy by Purchasing Power parity (PPP), for this thanks to the 1991 economic Reforms. But according to World Bank 33 % of Indian people fall below the International poverty line and India has a third of the world's poor, Why?  Why it takes eight years to build a road where it should take three; ten years to get justice instead of two?  Every son or daughter of Politicians treat Politics as it is their father's fiefdom. The real problem is 'family politics', Dynastic rule is still prevail among the parties. Why a wicked person or person with huge money dare to enter politics? Why common people are scared to enter politics? Who is responsible for these?  Who have looted the public treasury?  Who have made the system detrimental for common people?  Why corruption is everywhere?  Why an honest person can't breath in politically stranglehold  air?  Who will answer these mesmerizing and bewildering questions?  Why government is not accountable?  Where is transparency? …... Alas!  Where is democracy??

India is a gerontocracy with the highest age difference between the rulers and the ruled among 10 countries recently studied.  It is a paradox, the Average age of Indian is 25 and the average age of Indian Politician is 65, The youngest country of the world is ruled by The Oldest people. How contrasting is this !! But the million dollar question is "Whether India can survive with its 19th century Politics and 21st century economy". India is a success story in perspective with economy but a failure story in context of politics. This contrasting situation has failed the system to work in tandem which in itself a biggest challenge for India.

Politicians can spar over frivolous things, Disparaging remarks, derogatory words of one politician for other politician is a Vogue in present day political system. There is a moral crisis in the political conduct and this has arises many loopholes in the governance of India. Colgate scam, commonwealth game Scam, Breaking the record of all time notorious Bofor scandal in India in the 1980s;  2G scam became the biggest corruption scandal in Indian history. Time Magazine ranked it the second among the top ten abuses of power in 2011.  One can be sceptical about these politician, Are they protector and guardian of indian citizens and India or they are scoundrels and born to loot the State's funds which are entitled to the destitutes?

 But the confronting challenge before India is whether it can reconcile its politics with its escalating economic trajectory? Whether India can debunk the Dirty political stereotype? When Status quo is unsustainable; change is inevitable. Amidst all Political Turmoil and unsustainability, there is a silver lining in the chaotic system, Especially after the supreme court's recent judgment "Convicted Politician can't contest election and if any of them prosecuted and jailed for more than 2 years then membership of parliament or assembly would be annulled". Lalu yadav and Rasheed Masood’s detention has soothed the Rule of law. 2013 was the year of Judicial Activism when Supreme court dictated many Bold Judgments. Anti-Corruption movement has Impacted Indians morally and has revived the political aspiration among the youth, Victory of AAP (Aam aadmi Party) in Delhi is a testimony of the revival of middle class in Indian Society. Now, anyone can witness the churning in the Society. Citizens are now realizing that the darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis and now directly participating in political affairs of India. AAP has shook the long gravitated Political conceptions, to end the VIP culture in politics. Arvind Kejriwal rejected all the aristocracy, no Red-beacon, No bunglow, No Z-square Security - A new hope of clean and Virtuous Politics, Politics based on morality. This is a period of Renaissance for Indian Politics, and still there is a hope India could rehabilitate its long destructed antiquated Civilization what it all need is active participation of all citizens to create it a vibrant democracy by replacing filthy Politician with Honest ones.

By:- Tanveer Ashraf 


  1. wow. Excellent. Powerfull really powerfull .Can i ask u something? I am a little confused . If these matters are presented with so much of fire, will they consider u as a chauvinist

  2. No, In any way it can't adjudged me as chauvinist. I have only presented my concerns in persuasive manner.

  3. It is the same friend. Benoy.My query wasnt meant to provoke you friend . It was just a doubt whether if u write that for the general essay or if u produce these ideas before an interview panel, will they take it in a wrong way?. i love ur style

  4. Please reply me of ur opinion of the Adhaar Card system .

  5. Tanveer my friend please answer my query.Our population policy restricts the birth rates by promoting contraceptives while our health care policy is aiming at reducing infant mortality and give elder people acess to hospitals thereby increasing life expectancy. does these both policies contradict each other?
