Wednesday, 18 December 2013
Thursday, 12 December 2013

My perceptive senses make me realize Life is full of Pain.
Destitute's apathy, agony, grief for others is platitude in vain
Money is delinquent,it drags person in calamity of Rain
Our suffering is ours, why others meddle into it to drain
Observing others burgeoning pain, went to destitute's den
I found my griefs and pains, felt like all are phony claims
Their sufferings alleviated my melancholy, without any repentance,

and I learned the following things
It would be sagacious step to take others pain
Personal pain is eternal, it always comes in chain
Attaining spiritual peace is independent of loss or gain
Inner peace cannot be intruded by materialistic pain
Annihilating others pain can nullify our disdain
Outlay of mammon, can turn it into a different ballgame
By:- Tanveer Ashraf
(a poem written by me)
Sunday, 8 December 2013
GDP(Gross Domestic Product) along with GDH(Gross Domestic Happiness) would be the right Indices for judging the well-being of a country.
‘‘Artha’ is not the only
condition to take Society from Poverty to Prosperity.’’
A country is said to be
prosperous when it has sturdily consolidated economy, but it is only a necessary
condition not sufficient condition. In todays world, GDP (Gross Domestic
Product ) of any country is directly taken into consideration to know the
status of a country in world perspective, But it would be frivolous if we not
take GDH(Gross domestic happiness) for drawing unambiguous efficacy and well being of that particular
country. Economic well being can't alone guarantee Social well being, there are
myriad of factors which directly and sometimes indirectly plays a decisive role
in making human life worth enjoyable. A country with high economic boom but
without rudimentary facilities like Drinking water, health, protection of life
and Education is nothing but a den of destitutes and penurious who have no
future but a life full of anxiety, grief and agony. In this juncture we
perceive, GDP (Gross domestic product ) alone can't fetch a clear idea about
the Well being and life style of citizens and by blending it with GDH ( Gross
domestic happiness) we can have impeccable indices for judging the wellbeing of
a country.
Burgeoning GDP in scarcity of
sustainable development can't help any country in long run, because GDP is
calculated without estimating the devastation of 'Natural environment' which is
the ''Common wealth of all Human being'' and a source of subsistence for thousands
of people living in tribal regions. The main problem with which Citizens are
confronting is 'Inefficacious Governance' which has totally failed in
delivering the goods and services to its people, If GDP denotes 'the final
goods and services in a region for particular time', Who will deliver it? Governance
fiasco is independent of GDP estimation where Governance has to do many things
with real life of citizens, It would be flawed to take only GDP as a yardstick
of Well being of a country, Isn't it?
Heterogeneity in economic
aggregation is the major problem in Indian Society, if 100 people are
billionaire, Millions are living on 21 Rupee a day, Major Portion of the
population Still have to rely on Agriculture barely with any certainty, It is
clear from the number of suicides farmers are commiting every year.
According to the latest data
available with the World Bank, India is the world's 10th largest economy by
nominal GDP and 3rd largest Economy by Purchasing Power parity (PPP). According
to World Bank 33 % of Indian people fall below the International poverty line
and India has a third of the world's poor. This is also deciphered in The Book
'Target 3 billion' by A.P.J. Abdul Kalam. How can we explain this contrasting
figure?? In perspective of GDP estimation
India has no precedents in this globe, but in juxtaposition when we see the
poor, India is the dweller of Largest poor in the world. Where a single person
is doing manipulation of thousands of crores in IPL matches, there thousands of
people sleep with an appetite belly. They are not Part of GDP calculation?? There well being should not be regarded in
calculating India's well being??
Caste based discrimination, honor
killing, delay in justice, getting anything done through lethal red tape, where
there is crisis in Rule of law, all these affect our life directly and besides
mammon, these are the ingredients which make life cumbersome and clumsy,
annihilation of these can provide us the right indices and can adjudge the well
being of a person in the society. ?? 'Money'
and 'happiness' is independent terms, Single entity can't define the status of
well being of a person or a country. People sometimes with extra mammon are
found more depressed than hackneyed persons who have a balance of both money and
happiness. Some people are so poor that they have nothing but 'Money'. GDP is a
half baked data, on the basis of which we can't decide the country's well
Democracy is only an idea until
it's tenets are executed right from the Individual level. The Essence of
Democracy lies in the Freedom of its people. India ranks 116th out of 145
nations on the freedom Index. A country where people are bounded with
unnecessary obligations and their rights are not taken care of, Can we say only
GDP alone can diktat the country's prosperity
Gurcharan Das's Query in his
recent book 'India Grows at Night' is. How is it that one of the world's most
stable, vigorous democracies with an enviable records of Economic growth has
among the worst records in Human development? Bangladesh and other third world
countries score better in infant mortality. India's child malnutrition levels
are among the highest. Learning Achievements in government primary schools are
among worse- on par with Ghana. The Stubborn persistence of child malnutrition
is particularly tragic. In sub-Saharan Africa only 30 percent children are
malnourished, versus 50 per cent in India. One third of the babies in India are
born with low birthweight compared to one-sixth in sub-Saharan Africa. These
are the some mesmerizing and intriguing points which coerce us to contemplate
over it, and also emphasize why we must zero in on Gross Domestic Happiness
(GDH) along with GDP to draw the Unambiguous Indices of a country like India.
Along with 'Economic well being'
we need to be 'Social well being' along with "Moral well being'', to
attain all these I do believe we need Bureaucracy reforms, Police reforms and
Judiciary reforms in the same way we did Economic reforms in 1991. Reforms
Kick-off when there is Crisis in the system, we have enough Crisis in our
social system which are hampering our Happiness and well being but we are not
enough competent to perceive that crisis. The only way to eradicate problems is
to evaluate them. Once we shall include GDH in addition to GDP to measure the
well being of a country many questions would be answered in the way.
Fundamental unit of any country
is not society but a family, we can't have an idea of family or family would
collapse without a responsible woman who can look after its
inevitabilities? Woman accomplish a
major portion of the work in the society, as a daughter, as a wife, as a mother, as a cook, She work almost 15-16
hours a day, There contribution is sine qua non for prosperity in the society
and country, We termed their contribution as 'Care economy'. Then why their
chunk of work is not Included in calculating the GDP of a nation?? If it is not
Possible to add it in GDP, we can count it in GDH. Now, we can analyse how a
nation's status can be adjudged without Including GDH. Taking only GDP to know
the country's well being is a foiled attempt to know the reality.
BY:- Tanveer Ashraf
Friday, 15 November 2013
"Misinterpretation and Misuse of freedom in India"
India got freedom from British Raj on 15 August 1947. But,
after independence India was under the dominion status of British crown.
Dominion Status of India was ceased on 26 january 1950, And India became a full
fledged 'Republic' After the commencement of Indian constitution. India's
Freedom date should be 15 August 1947 or 26 january 1950? It is still a contentious issue among the
youths that whether we are breathing in a free India or not? Per se 'Freedom' is an ambiguous word whose
meaning can be drawn differently from different perspectives.
Even during India's freedom struggle every section of the
society interpreted the meaning of ‘Freedom’ on their own discretion and
convenience. for peasants it was freedom from the exploitation of landlords, for
business class it was nothing more than exemption from paying heavy taxes,
Scheduled caste (depressed class) participated for the freedom struggle with
the hope of getting emancipation from discrimination and atrocities done on
them. The sense of Freedom was extremely equivocal, and since then we are
confronting with the same situation again and again. But, now in free India we
are misinterpreting the word "Freedom" deliberately or sometimes
Inadvertently to quench our own selfish motives and desires.
Freedom always comes with some restrictions and paucity of
freedom is created to maintain apron string among different people and
organization for their betterment as a whole. "Man is born free and everywhere
he is in chains" That is the first sentence of Rousseau's "The Social
Contract." One can easily Misinterpret it. Man is 'born free', so, he must
not to be in chains, but here 'born free' means a nascent infant doesn't know
emotional values, he is almost with no language which he could understand in childhood,
no cogent tools to decode this complex society, these sine qua non elements act
like a chain which connects the whole humanity in one. The Word 'Chain' could
be misinterpreted in different ways, like man is besieged in these catastrophes
without his will although he is born free.
Terrorism Of al qaeda, Taliban and other terrorist group is
misusing their 'freedom' to create suzerainty among rest of the world through
destruction, terror and intimidation. Their ultra-freedom ( misuse of freedom )
is the reason where millions are scared to enjoy their basic rights. Is it
fair, for one's misuse of freedom, another's freedom is at stake? Youths
interpret the meaning of freedom in their own way, Do whatever your psyche
allows, whether it is legitimate or illegitimate, they define their own code of
demeanor, they bear in mind a preconceived notion that is very contradictory
with the status quo norms of the Society, Infringe the social contracts, go
against the societal norms, Are these things can be adjudged right on any
ground?? Is it not a misinterpretation
of freedom?? Once we start to misinterpret freedom, its misuse would be an
inevitable corollary.
Democracy provides enough power, freedom to citizens and its
leaders so that they can prosper and develop in their life. This democratic freedom becoming a lobby for
corrupt practices for some people. Our
political leaders and doctrinaire democrats are enjoying freedom, and often
misuse their freedom to wreck Indian civilization completely, they think, being
a "representative of people" they have full right to exploit them. Political
chaos can be seen throughout the country in spite of model code of conduct by
election commission has been imposed, due to lack of consciousness and
deliberate misuse of Freedom we can see the reciprocation of vindictive and
lewd comments by politicians. By misinterpretation and misuse of freedom, When
defenders becomes traitors and saviour becomes slaughterer, then we realize the
cost and consequence of Excess freedom. Exploitation and misuse of freedom can
become the cause of distraction for thousands. Intrinsically freedom is not what we perceive
in our daily life, it is a sense of responsibility based on the principle of
'Live and let others Live'.
Sometimes Misinterpretation of freedom arises out of
fallacy, A physically free person might be mentally incarcerated. An ostensible
freedom in reality might be a bondage of Enslavement. Indian constitution
provides us with freedom of speech and expression but on Social media,
especially on facebook we can see many disparaging and derogatory comments and
post which is totally a dereliction and misuse of freedom. Cartoonist Aseem Trivedi was arrested on charges of sedition
for displaying cartoons during the Anna Hazare protest, he was too alleged
guilty of misusing his freedom. To comply with rules and regulations is also
our moral obligation along with our professional obligation. same was the case
of MF Husaain for which he was ostracized from the society and later from the
country. When Balthakre died, two girls were arrested for commenting on social
media and for misusing their freedom, but later they were acquited and their
detentions were condemned because this time Police misused his freedom and
their freedom was misinterpreted.
The Earth is ours, so we are free to do anything, we are
misusing this freedom and Infringe the fragile norms of Nature. Recent
Uttarakhand catastrophes are the dire consequences of impeding Nature to take
its own course. By misusing our freedom we want to create a hegemony over
Nature and humanity, which can be proved very disastrous for us and for
upcoming generation.
Freedom is never absolute, it is always liable to some
constraints and always comes with some sense of responsibilities.
Misinterpretation of freedom is the major cause of its misuse. Autonomy doesn't
meant to have arbitrary behavior. Through prudent sense and through
humanitarian values we can have the control over misinterpretation and misuse
of freedom.
Sunday, 20 October 2013
Politics without ethics is Disaster
Politics in India is
more in limelight for bad reasons. It is often uttered that if you have
criminal background, You are eligible for Politics. These are the main reason
why India is still unable to emancipate herself from basic problems of
destitution, poor health, lack of infrastructure in hinterland. Things are
being done only on papers, real beneficiaries are still deprive of their
rights. "We are living in a democracy" only we claim, upper class is
enjoying their liberty, middle class can percept their existence in a democracy
while poor and destitutes are still living in a autocratic regime. For them
there is no meaning of "democracy" ,it is all because of the dirty
politics of which they often become victim.
What they will do with Right to speech, right to expression, Right
to freedom, when they lack basic rights like food, shelter and daily
commodities. There is huge lack of Ethics within political arena.
Myriad of reasons are there for inhuman activities by Politicians. Somewhere
they want to grab excess muscle power to perpetuate their dominance in an area,
and on the other hand in the process of accumulation of lots of mammon they
forget ethical values. Citizens' entitlements are used by them for their own
It was political decision to have "Reservation
system" but at that time this initiative was taken to eradicate the
untouchability, caste based discrimination, and to water it down the
"varna system" of our society. Their motives were sacrosanct behind
providing reservation to backward class - to make them equal with other caste
and class. Now, this reservation system along with political vote bank is
proving disastrous for Indian democracy. Where essence of democracy is based on
disseminating Equality, unethical and immoral politics is augmenting disparity
and enmity among different caste , religion, social groups. Politics without
ethics in India is impeding the very purpose of democracy. It is responsible for enhancing communalism.
To perpetuate vote bank they can apply every means whether it is licit or
Corruption at high level , mainly economic is detrimental
for whole country because it involves manipulation of thousands of crores but
when it comes to the life of citizens which are at stake at every stage due to
political flaws, somewhere due to poor infrastructure which becomes the reason
of various fatal accidents. More than half Member of parliaments [MPs] have
criminal records, many are already behind the bar due to serious criminal
charges but they contest elections and It is a paradox in Indian context that
even they win elections. How they win elections?? , what tactic they apply ??
Malpractices during elections are trivial instances. Once they get elected by
the people , they set aside all morality, humanity and ethics.
There is a lust of power in politics and to attain this
Politicians can go to any acme of Impishness.When thousands are dying in
communal clashes and religion motivated catastrophes, politicians heed only on
their vote bank instead of taking cogent humanitarian steps to curtail this
pandemonium. These all types of evils are being done to grab the power,
Everyone is craving for power to show their superiority and to create a
hegemony over the opponents within the political arena, but they never think of
the damages done to public. These
anti-humanitarian crises are due to scarcity of morals and ethics in
political behaviour. The major problem
with politicians is they don't stick to their probity, Rhetorical and boasting
statement during elections is common, sometimes their election manifestos are
vote driven which have nothing to do with the welfare of the public
collectively. For self motive attainment of goals, they do deterioration and
wrongful outlay of public funds, and in few instances siphon off the public
treasury, like in 2G scam, Coalgate, commonwealth game scam during congress regime or Kargil Coffin Scam during BJP rule. Per-se
excessive lust for mammon is unethical
but when it is the plunder of entitlements of the poor and pillaging
public coffers, then it becomes more serious matter. Here we realize the need
of ethics, morality and humanitarian behaviour within the political arena.
Aristotle once said, At his best, man is the noblest of all
animals; separated from law and justice he is the worst. The same situation
arises when man is kept away from ethics, without ethics and moral values man
is barbaric, and when it blend with politics takes a dangerous face.
Demagogue's hate speeches are common today. Somewhere they derelict from their duty
by indulging in these unethical things. Votes are being snatched on muscles
power, distribution of liquor is common during elections, amidst all chaos and
inhumanitarian activities a honest person either scared to contest election, if
someone dared to do so either they are drag by illegal means. Politicians must know how to conduct in
places like parliament and assemblies. if the well educated bureaucrats have to
take rigorous training before holding any responsible office, then why
politicians are exempted from any training which can inculcate some ethical and
moral conduct in them?, This might be helpful in Quenching the thirst of
power and can instill ethical and
humanitarian behaviour.
We can't neglect the ethically based governance of Bhimrao Ambedkar, Sardar patel, jawahar lal
nehru and many others through whose efforts " 'We' the people of
India" are endowed with A well written constitution and balanced
democratic institutions. It is another thing that after Independence , our democracy
in its very childhood is plagued with many flaws But after supreme court's
latest judgement ( convicted politicians cannot contest election), quashing of
Ordinance passed by the cabinet which was against the essence of supreme
court's' mandate and after conviction and prosecution of some bad apples , it
seems that the process of scavenging of dirty politics has already started now.
Politics is a game and for wrong performance of the players we can't blame the
game. Every game is fair when it is conducted within the moral and ethical
norms. Sometimes basic rules are manipulated with wrong ones, we can correct
the game by annihilation of those wrong rules.
Sunday, 1 September 2013
Realising our obligations is the need of the hour
As a responsible citizen of India, we can all contribute something to society by enhancing awareness among the people about their entitlements, by making them cognizant of their rights provided by The constitution. We can contribute a lot for the marginalised Group of society by making them aware of the government's flagship schemes. Administration's job will become so easy to implement schemes, and by our contribution dividend of those schemes will reach to real beneficiaries.
Private institutions are considered as more efficient than government run institution. Private institutions are doing well because they are owned and controlled by particular person or particular group of people. Then, the question is "Who own the government schools?", Government of India or "We" the people of India.
"We" elect the government for five years and gave all our command to the government which is totally dereliction of our duty. As a responsible citizen we must make vigilance over government machineries and institutions. We all can contribute to the society from different capacity, as an actor, celebrity, doctor, engineer, social reformer, social activist, and last but not least as a citizen of developing India.
This is Right To Education Anthem, and I think Ranbir kapoor , Katrina kaif, Imran khan, and Anushka sharma has contributed much for this cause. I will be more happy when they will part these ideas directly in the society. As we know “ The road to hell is paved with good intentions” , So, We need actions as well. Without proper degree of action nothing is going to be change. So, arise, awake and take your responsibilities.
Private institutions are considered as more efficient than government run institution. Private institutions are doing well because they are owned and controlled by particular person or particular group of people. Then, the question is "Who own the government schools?", Government of India or "We" the people of India.
"We" elect the government for five years and gave all our command to the government which is totally dereliction of our duty. As a responsible citizen we must make vigilance over government machineries and institutions. We all can contribute to the society from different capacity, as an actor, celebrity, doctor, engineer, social reformer, social activist, and last but not least as a citizen of developing India.
This is Right To Education Anthem, and I think Ranbir kapoor , Katrina kaif, Imran khan, and Anushka sharma has contributed much for this cause. I will be more happy when they will part these ideas directly in the society. As we know “ The road to hell is paved with good intentions” , So, We need actions as well. Without proper degree of action nothing is going to be change. So, arise, awake and take your responsibilities.
Thursday, 8 August 2013
media' is not really social, Youths are
the reason.
India is going through very critical phase. People,
especially youths are considered as the "future" caretaker of
country, and some youth are already doing astonishing jobs for the welfare of
society and country albeit most of them are anonymous, they are unsung
trailblazers. But the kind of revolution which we ought to see in the society
due to the active participation of youth is unsatisfactory.
It is because ....
They all are active and enthusiastic only in fb. They can
fight over the issues but cast aside themselves when to do something which
could bring change in the society. They are Indians but have certain type of
stereotype for Indians. they are cynical and crippled by narcissism. It is very
good to have nationalism, but it is detrimental and disastrous to have
ultra-nationalism and jingoism. whether it is the case of anti-corruption
movement led by Anna hazare (in which youths had shown unprecedented response
at the beginning) , "damini rape case" ( where youths had came out of
their houses in support of 'girls' protection'.) and many such causes. These all are like an ephemeral episodes,
where youth's sentiments caught fire in few seconds and get vanished within
jiffy without leaving any permanent effect.
We abhor corruption, and criticize government by posting
derogatory pics and other materials( folks, don't take me wrong , we should
criticize it and condemn it as Indian constitution has provided us with
"Freedom of speech and expression" but as a human being and "Social Animal" we should avoid those things which can hurt
anyone's psyche and soul.) but don't forget we have also certain obligations as
a citizen. It will be wrong if we escape our part of responsibilities, because
in democracy we generally think "our duties are over by casting a single
vote once in five year", but it is not true. it is futile to clamour on
'Social media' i.e. facebook. If we really want to change the society then we
have to take up the social problems at grassroot level. Afterall , We
constitute society, if we will change ourselves, the society will get
automatically changed.
Social reformists can reform the society up to some extent
because it is tangible but Is it possible to take vigilance over 'Social' media
from such inflammatory objects. Now a days we can perceive more 'controversies'
in social site facebook than in our real society in which we are living.
Facebook is western product but we are using it in Indian style. Few months ago
there was a rumour that kadar khan ,Bollywood actor was dead. Yesterday I saw a
post in fb from my friend stating that “ Jackie Chan was shooting for his film
and during a stunt he falls from 16 story building and died on the spot......
R.I.P. Jackie Chan" Are these things are relevant?? , whether these things
make any sense?? Youths must understand that Real society comes under 'social
and ethical' norms, while 'Virtual society' (facebook) comes only under IT Act
norms, due to misuse of IT act government has watered it down, it means
enhanced autonomy. So, this is the need of the hour , if want something better
for the society we should reflect our thoughts through action rather than
boasting and making rhetoric statement on Facebook.”
There are many instances on fb where students get benefited
in myriads way. Facebook provides a platform where we can interact with eminent
people, we can exchange our thoughts. we can use fb to meet our ends which are
productive in nature. Facebook is beneficial for those who is mature and
sensible enough to put their thoughts in Public. This is why facebook has a
restriction on age limit , if u want to create fb account u must have
attained18 years of age. Some people
interpret it in wrong way that u must be an adult only. But it is not the only
motive of age restriction. It is another thing that generally it is believed
that if you are an adult, you are suppose to have
sensibility as well, but it is not true in every case.
Sensibility and maturity is independent of any age, it totally depends on our
rational views, how profound we are attached to other people and it depends on
our positive, folks, use facebook prudently and safely, and in
prolong connection with "Social media" don't forget the society, u
must be active in Social affairs as well. Shape your thoughts in words and
reflects your words through action. Prove that you are also social animal by
inculcating ethical and moral values.
By:- Tanveer
Sunday, 30 June 2013
Attitude makes habits, Habits makes character and character makes a man
World comprises of billions of people. Majority of them are
anonymous, while few persons are capable of making impressions all over the
world. Why they became famous?? What
qualities placed them at different position than others? Why they could be able
to succeed in their life and others not ? They all are the products of same
society but some of them able to make their way amid all negatives and some are
caught in the vicious circle of Negativity. As bad roads make good drivers in
the same way those people who take these impediments as a stepping stone rather
than stopping stone, succeeded in the way of their life. The factor which plays
a candid role in making "personality" of any person is his/ her
Attitude. Person's Attitude determines, where he will be placed in future. To
what extent a man can go, totally depends on how he takes the things. A
positive attitude can accomplish the impossible while negative attitude can
drag a man to nadir. William James of Harvard university said, "The
greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives
by altering their attitudes of mind."
Our attitude towards things take the shape of 'habits'. If
we approach the things positively, it imbibe positive habits which in turns
make our benign Character. And our character makes us great. And ‘character’ of
a person is the most valuable asset which can decide his status in the society.
A person with good character is always respected , while person with nasty
character always recieves cast
aspersions on his character. People with bad character even sometimes face
estrange and they get ostracised from the society. It is aptly said that "If
wealth is lost, nothing is lost; if health is lost, something is lost; if
character is lost, everything is lost."
Attitude of people also impacts on their mindset. Things which
people repeatedly do become habits and when habits are applied in daily
routines becomes Mindset. if a person is visionary then he could imbibe good
habits to form their constructive mindset and can excel to become a
"man". While destructive mindset can produce a monster which can be
detrimental for other people in society.
Inculcating good Attitude is tough albeit it is possible, if
it is taken care since the inception of childhood days. Right attitude comes
from the ethical values, moral principles and positive approach of pragmatic
life. In indian society itself, we can find many 'walking encyclopedia'. It is
because knowing facts and figures can not make you great, but the things which
we do and the etiquette which you have instilled from the childhood mostly by
virtue of good family norms and good ethos play unprecedented role in
achievements of a person. A foreign versity based survey shows that In a
person's success, facts, figures and bookish knowledge have subtle impact (
only 15 %), while Attitude contributes 85 % in person's success. Attitude is intangible and can't be bought or
sold. It can not be learned by reading books or by joining classes. It can be
imbibe through our environment in which we are living ,through the family
etiquette and through our positive perspective in taking up the pragmatic
problems and resolving them through legal norms.
Without right attitude, it is impossible to generate
aptitude because Attitude is the manner in which we approach a situation.
Aptitude is our ability to handle a situation. Without right attitude it can
not be possible to draw cogent aptitude towards any situation. Sustained habits
can help in forming right aptitude, consequently a man can become a successful
person by making a foundation of good character and a person with good
character is respected around the globe.
Attitude of a man can classify him as an optimist or a
pessimist. If a person has bad or negative attitude he will see everything as
unachievable while person with right or positive attitude can have optimistic
view and can even accomplish the improbable. It is because right attitude can
make a good character of a human being. Right attitude always absorbs good
habits, and a person with good habits can make an edifice of good character
which can achieve the things beyond impossible.
Greater personage of all time achieved their goal only by
their positive attitude. Dr. A.P.J. abdul kalam has said " You can't
change your future, But you can change your habits, and surely your habits will
change your future." We can change our destiny by inculcating good habits
and by altering our attitude towards situations and problems. A pessimist can
take problems as obstruction in the way of success, but an optimist can take
those problems as step ladder as he knows when god wants to send a gift he
wraps it up in a problem, The bigger the problem he wraps it up in, the bigger
the gift that it contains.
Attitude of mind can bring leniency in the habits of a
person. Habits which are expedient for the people in society can augment peace
in the society, if there is peace in the society , there will be peace in the
country, and if there is peace in the country, there will be peace in the whole
world. Today, we lack people with good attitude, and their bad habits laid by
deteriorated attitude becomes the cause of their worse face. Habits which are
laid by positive attitude can makes a man for the serene society.
In nutshell we can say that it is positive Attitude of a
person which can fill him with good habits, and their good habits can make him
great. It is hunky-dory if u have factual knowledge but it will be all in vain
without making your habits suitable which successively will underlay the
foundation of good character. Character is the biggest part of man's success
can be gain in toto without any currency.
By:- Tanveer Ashraf
Sunday, 23 June 2013
What we have not learnt during sixty five years of Independence ...
India has transformed profoundly from last 65 years of
Independence. But the lessons which we have learnt in 65 years are far less
than what we have missed during those 65 years. Conditions which were prevail
at the time of independence, even exist today and in some cases it has become
more worse than before. Mixed perception of hostility and euphoria were
observed during 15 August 1947, the day India got its independence due to various
reasons, such as partition, which was of course inevitable at that time. But in
today's India we can see the same feelings of hostility and euphoria among different religions and ethnic groups
which shows that our leaders and politicians have not done much to allay that
ghost of antagonism. Bifurcation of states on linguistic base still a major
issue for Indian Union ( Vexatious issue of Telegana ). Sardar Vallab Bhai
Patel and V.P. Menon had made it possible through their efforts by uniting more
than 500 princely states to form a union of 14 states but today we have started
disintegration of states again to maintain "status quo ante" which
was prevail before the independence. At
present there are 28 states and according to some authentic speculation, by
2050 we will have 50 states within India. Which is detrimental sign for the
existence of "Indian Union". We never endeavour to imbibe 'How to
remain united?
We have never learnt how to deal with the problems
prudently, especially Social problems. In spite of lots of works have been done
to eradicate this draconian caste based discrimination, ill treatment of lower
caste and lower class by upper class still exist in our society. Chauvinists of
'Varna System' still want to dominate over so called lower caste groups.
Scarcity of religious tolerance which was felt during the days of independence
can also be felt in Independent secular India. We still lack how to respect
other religions along with the religion which we practice. In India we have
totally failed to recognise the basic doctrine of all religions, that is
"Humanity" in large perspectives.
How to alleviate poverty? Since independence, it is still an
enigma. It is an election manifesto for politicians and hot topic debate for
debaters, but we have never looked at grassroot level and never tried to know
the atrocities and adversities of poor through which they are passing, and
never have done enough to mitigate its effects. India has attained 65 years of
independence, why a democratic India still holds largest number of poor in the
world? It's because if a person is affluent, he never try to see others who
need help to cope up with destitution. Our motives are always self-centered. We
have had selfishness in our own well being. We never make ourselves cognizant
with sufferings of the society of which we are also a integral part. We have
never looked upon those people who sleep on an empty stomach. To eradicate such
problems each and every citizen should comply by their responsibilities. There
are many reasons of existing poverty. Poor lack aspiration and zeal and
somewhere their own mindset becomes the decisive cause of their destitution.
Poor are also caught in 'vicious cycle' from which their emancipation is very
tough, but still possible. Even after 65 years of independence we have failed
to end "bonded labor". In the recent news brick kilns owners of
hydrabad were found guilty of perpetuating bonded labor. Child labour is still
augmenting. burgeoning sexual harassment of poor women, working in these brick
kilns is a great matter of concern. At the one hand India is developing ,
people are creating concrete jungles with high buildings and infrastructures,
and on the other hand people with poor background are being exploited.
Unfreedom that gets promoted in the names of free markets is the main reason of
escalating inequalities and this scene is enhancing since 1990's.
Indian nationals never tried to install scientific temper
within them. They still believes in the myths and mysteries. In 65 years we have
moved so much towards science and technology but we still lack scientific
temper. We need to legitimize our thinking through logics and by imbibing
rational thinking.
Current education system of India was started by Macaulay to
ruin the Indian Culture but even after 65 years of independence we rely upon on
this education system. Indian are timid by nature. We should not resist
necessary change. If the changes are for the welfare, we should welcome them.
This is the prime cause "why we unable to make Indian education system
compatible with rest of the world. Something lacks in the current education
system, which unable to put a cap on unemployment and brain drain. At some
point we lack ethical education also. Still people have not learnt how to make
best use of human asset. Becoming rich has become a status symbol and public
service has taken a back seat.
Politics of the country is becoming worse day by day.
Politicians know how to create vote bank meticulously on the basis of caste and
religion. They have never learnt how to fulfill the rhetoric promises. They
have created efficient social engineering to perpetuate caste based vote bank through
different reservation policies. Cheats and adulterers go scot free because we
have not learnt to teach them lessons. Reservation policy was started to
eradicate caste based discrimination and to stop casteism in the society, but
we have failed to cultivate the very purpose of reservation. The real
beneficiaries are still at large, and they are still deprive of reservation
policy benefits, that's why caste based discrimination still persist in the
society. State have never learnt how to implement this reservation system for
the welfare of really needy ones.
We never want to take individual responsibilities. People only
know how to criticize others for the malfunctioning of any machinery. Never
learnt to change themselves, which they want to see in society. People always
impose lame excuse to get rid of their obligations. We forget our duties as a
responsible citizen and blame on particular institutions for 'status quo'
omnishambles in the country. We always blame government , but never tried to
know what are our obligations as a responsible citizen. Majority of citizens
have never learnt what are their constitutional duties and how they should
protect their rights from abuse.
Gender inequality is not a new problem for Indian society
but we have never learnt how to allay this escalating inequality in this
independent India. Girls in most cases treated as "paraya dhan' and boys
always get preference over girls. If 'girl child' born in a family then
everyone observe the day of mourn, but if it is boy then we celebrate it with
euphoria. Notwithstanding, showing equal competence with boys, girls are always
regarded as mediocre albeit the scene is gradually changing but still we have
to learn too much. Hitherto we have not learnt to give proper degree of respect
and care to the women. Domestic violence and prejudice against women are enough
cogent evidence to endorse the aforesaid sentence.
The most important of all , We have yet not learnt to
democratize our democracy. On the eve of Republic day Dr. B.R. Ambedkar had
said that "Constitutional morality is not a natural sentiment. It has to
be cultivated. We must realize that our people have yet to learn it. Democracy
in India is only a top- dressing on an Indian soil, which is essentially
undemocratic." Unfortunately, even after 65 years of independence, we have
not cultivated constitutional morality and democracy is still a top-dressing on
an Indian soil.
In nut shell there are myriad of lessons which we have not
learnt during 65 years of Independence. And the main reason why we are so far
from these lessons because 'we are comfortable with our fiasco, the
pandemonium, chaos, adversities and all evils which exist today. We have never
learnt these because we never dare to accept these changes, we lack enthusiasms
to move towards the new dawn. If Indians will take up these issues seriously,
according to my speculations, we will succeed in accomplishing all the lessons
in next 15 years.
By:- Tanveer
Tuesday, 4 June 2013
Sunday, 26 May 2013
My Vision Of an Ideal World Order
My utopia is not different as Gandhiji had dreamt of for
India about 8 decades ago, at that time we were not so globalised as we are
today. We were bounded within country's frontiers. But, now we can't think our
emancipation without indulging in other country's problems. So, my vision is
not for only India but for whole world. Jawahar lal nehru had said on the eve
of independent india on 15th august 1947 in the historic speech of ‘’tryst with
destiny’’ that ‘’ Those dreams are for India, but they are also for the
world’’. So, in my utopian world, i can imagine an utopian India as well. World
has entered into 21st century, and one decade
has also passed. World now facing with many novel 21st century challenges. My utopian world
would be that world where we find every challenges under the feet.
Everyone in the world is entitled to get basic health
facilities. In hinterland of not only India but for almost every country in the
world people are facing the challenges of many fatal diseases. Those diseases
are curable but due to lack of medical facilities they reluctantly end their lives. My vision of Ideal world
would be where we can provide basic health facilities to all and sundry because
if the people are healthy in the world then we can excel in every arena of life.
Most of the problems arises due to destitution in the world.
People are unable to get facilities and somewhere they are deprived of the
basic amenities due to scarcity of money. Poverty at grass root level also
breeding many social evils. My utopia would be free of destitution so that we
can nip the evils in the bud. where we can't differentiate people as"
rural" and "urban" in perspective of reach of facilities. In the
book "Target 3 billion", APJ Abdul kalam' s vision of
eradicating poverty of 3 billion people
out of 6 billion people in the whole world is also my dream. And my dream for
whole world would be accomplished by implementation of the APJ Kalam Sir's
Scheme of PURA ( providing urban amenities in rural areas). My utopia would be
a poverty less world where everyone can fulfill their basic necessities without
succumbed to financial crisis at individual level.
My utopia would be a place where everyone should have
something to do accordance with their skill. Unemployment is now a global
problem. It would be wrong to say that we have less jobs in the world, but
reality is that we have not enough quality human resource to use them in making
hunky dory world. People in the world are not unemployed but most of them are
unemployable. We often encounter people holding technical degree vying for
financial sector Jobs or for BPOs. This
omnishambles unemployment should redress through prudent mechanisms. My
ambition to create ideal world order will accomplish by making people imbibe
skills according to orientation of the job. My utopia in this regard would be a
place where people can get benefitted themselves with various skills and get
their work according to their skills and educational level.
Almost all over the world, we have child protection laws,
but millions of children die every year due to various reasons like lack of
health facilities, malnourishment, over exploitation by employing them in
hazardous factories. Children who are considered as future of any country gave
up their lives before they see the dawn of their real life. In my utopia there
would be no child labour, no child exploitation, Every children under the age
of 16 will be found in classrooms. I will make education free for all of them.
I will create that type of education through which they can be able to generate
exchequer for themselves. This will make them self-reliant from inception of
school days, after that they have not to face any unemployment challenges,
which today most of the children after elementary education generally face. So,
my utopian world would be a place where children will not only get bookish
knowledge but they will also get vocational training as an integral part of
school education.
It's a time to put a cap on male domination over female. In
developed countries we rarely see such disparities on the basis of gender, but
the majority of the countries , which are still developing have radical and
orthodox view regarding women. Women violence and atrocities on women
especially in countryside are every day happenings. There women are facing many
kind of violence, Criminal violence- rape, abduction, murder, and domestic
Violence like dowry deaths, wife battering, sexual abuse. Gender bias in the
society is common, Boys in the family and even in society are given extra
preferences over girls. Girls are treated as liability, this tendency in the
society has arises due to sort of dowry system. So, instead of female
infanticide, we have to eradicate dowry system. My utopia would be consist of
those people who wholly reject all the atrocities done on the women. In my view
consolidation of ideal world is not possible without equal participation of
male and female.
Corruption in today's world has become the part and parcel
of life. In my view corruption is making impact on the society by two means,
first, Corruption in "whole sale" ( big scams) and second, Corruption
in "retail" (corruption at basic level). Prolong corruption in
"whole sale" ( big scams) is enough to ruin a country, but Corruption in "retail" (corruption
at basic level) is more devastating for common people because it affects
directly their pockets. Common people suffer due to corruption in each and
every stage of life. In my utopia, world will be so transparent that it would
be difficult for anyone to make manipulation of a single penny. My utopia or
vision of an ideal world is to have market like efficiency in public works. In
my ideal world politicians will not get elected to make multiple scams but to
establish an accountable government and as a protector of the interests of the
common people and as a care taker of all its citizens. Probity will be enhanced
to that level that we will not need any corruption perception index (CPI) and
other corruption checking institutions.
The most disastrous problem which the world is facing today
is Terrorism. Terrorism is a curse and terrorism in the name of religion is
more devastating as it augment hatred among people of different faiths.
Although terrorism is a gigantic problem but in my utopia, where solidarity
will come together to eradicate any challenge we can make the world get rid of
terrorism. There is handful of people who have created all ruckus in the world.
To have control over them is cakewalk. My ideal world would be without any
terror groups and without any terror incentive entity.
Now, every country is accumulated with contemporary war
weapons and nuclear defence equipment. In This era, no country can be
considered weak. Sophisticated war equipments have made everyone smart enough,
a button has to press to destroy the whole world in a jiffy. In this regard my
dream of an ideal world is somewhat similar to the Einstein's thought which he
once described "the military system, which I abhor... This plague-spot of
civilization ought to be abolished with all possible speed. Heroism on command,
senseless violence, and all the loathsome nonsense that goes by the name of
patriotism -- how passionately I hate them! " ..We are living in a
globalized world where country's frontiers doesn't make any sense. Now, whole
world is like a family, so showing ultra-nationalism or chauvinism and to wage
war and spreading violence is not the appropriate way. We have already seen the
consequences of both world wars- World War I (1914-1918) and World War II
(1939-1945). It is almost impossible to make restitution of collateral damages.
During second world war even Gandhiji wrote to Hitler, " my dear friend,
please stop world war II from happening. Every country, whether she is
victorious in the war but lose something in the war". So, my utopia would
be a world like a single country and all present countries would work like
states, which by any means will not possess any military power to overpower
other states. in my dream world order each and every complicated issues would
be resolved by sitting around the table, by debates and prudent considerations.
By making whole world as a single country and all present countries as her
associate states we will be able to put a cap on many global problems like
burgeoning population, environmental issues, and this will create uniform
distribution of resources in the world.
In my utopian world everyone will live with peace, harmony,
probity will be at top both in individual level and institutional level.
Everyone will have a shed for staying and bread for living along with all
amenities which are sine qua non to lay good life. Everyone will be prosperous.
World will witness a tranquility where people will completely renunciate the
means of violence. Humanity will flourish in my ideal world and no one will be
cynical, everyone will be treated alike regardless of their class, caste and
religion. All kind of stereotype will cease to exist in my utopia. There is a
basic rule of "successful" Mathematics that if we want to get the
desired answer then at first we have to assume something. So, I am sure, my
assumptions of an ideal world order will be a reality one day.
Sunday, 19 May 2013
What is real education?
Education is regarded as the most important instrument for societal change. In Indian context Indian has been engaged in educational revolution from last two decades, it is clear from governments burgeoning concern to educate its citizens. Numerous schemes and policies like Sarva siksha abhiyan, Rajiv vidya mission, etc. are sponsored by the central government. In 2009, Right to Education ( RTE ) bill was passed in parliament. RTE is also being implemented in most of the cities and hinterland of the country Existing government is not only the first one to rise voice to educate Indians, but it was felt so, from the inception of British Raj in India. Gandhi Ji's view of education was very different from the status quo education system which prevails in India. His views on education was ''ethical education'' which can imbibe humanity and can make them aware. This type of education is called real education. Indians had suffered much on the hand of british due to lack of education and awareness, without which they were treated as barbarian. Even in India of today, although we are living in a democracy, but taste of democracy can't be realize until each and every citizen of India will be educated. The education which can make citizens realize for their entitlements is a real education for destitutes and underprivileged ones. Sense of real education can change its course by changing situations. There are myriad of answers for a particular question that is, what is real education?? Many people might say only getting higher degrees, being cognizant of worldly affairs and many of them might think real education is that which is potent to make huge amont of money. Todays generation see education only as an instrument to make money which can satisfy their materialistic mundane life. But the sense of real education is to make a man or a woman, a human being. A man without ethical, social and moral values can't be regarded as human being."Man is a social Animal" and man is social when he makes himself fit for the society and for that one has to pursue real education through which imbibing of ethics and all ingredients of human qualities take place.purpose of education is sceptical. Lots of person have different ideas regarding this, but the gandhian views on education serves the real purpose of education. Mahatama gandhi said several decades ago " education for life, education through life, and education throughout life". But unfortunately today, we are witnessing that education has augmented hostility instead of euphoria, anxiety instead of serenity and so much of tensions. Because we never want to consider education for life, we always connect it to any materialistic things. Students of this generation do not want 'education through life', In phantasy of mammon, they want quick things of learning, and only those things which can propitiate their needs. For them there is no significance in gaining humanization based education. Dehumanizing and alienating aspects of education come into light because education is not 'throughout life'. Gandhi ji's concept of education is basic education which can lay foundation of life and it can be regarded as real education also. The motive of education is to make people realize what is good and what is bad, and after cognizant of good things, endeavour to implement and inculcate those good values. But the type of education which is being imparted today is not real education. people are getting more and more educated but they are also becoming more and more vindictive, graphs of crime is going up, the purpose of education was never to make Bombs and to destroy the humanity. Lack of real education is dragging them to accomplish these dehumanizing activities. Purpose of education is to make earth a better place for living and connect all and sundry with single string to live together as human beings. Real education teach us to follow Single religion "humanity" which is first chapter of all religions, not crusades in the names of religions.
In this cyberage, people are getting more technical and there is unprecedented enhancement of intellectuality among them. But these all intellectuality is connected with materialistic world which give birth to many tensions. Tension between materialistic and spirituality or science and religion. Education whose purpose is to make realize of good things is now engaged in debates, what is right and what is wrong? Spirituality is rated as second over science. Over domination of science and technology. It is not over domination of science and technology, but it is probably the misinterpretation of science and technology that is the underlying cause of much tensions. Although science is mandatory to make rational thinking about any issue but we must not mess up science with de facto divinity and universal values of ethics.
In today's world we lack real education even in educated persons. Real education is hard to find in books. A person who is regarded illiterate by the world might be the champion of real education and an educated one might have zero level of real education. an instance of two real brothers can make us realize the meaning of real education more candidly. there are two brothers , one is illiterate and other is highly educated. when someone in their vicinity met with a fatal accident. Illiterate brother will ran away for help due to sort of reflex action. But the educated brother will avoid the situation as he doesn't want to indulge in problems. he will even try to prevent his illiterate brother from going for help. probably he will wait for the next day to send condolence message to the family of the victim, if he is much affluent then he probably will send condolence message to the family of the victim through news paper. In this, who will be regarded as more educated when u take into account the real purpose of education??
Real education which is still an utopia for current generation can be achieved when we will follow Gandhian view of education. Real education is based on those values which guarantee the welfare of all people rather than welfare of few sections and deprivation of others. Education must be based on the laws of humane and human experience. "what book can be there than the book of humanity". Real meaning of education or real education is that which augment brotherhood, fraternity, peace , non- violence and truth.
By:- Tanveer Ashraf
Sunday, 12 May 2013
Is an egalitarian society possible by educating the masses??
Indian society in itself is a composite society .It is concoction of various kind of diverse groups. Among all the countries of the world, India has unique culture and cultural heritage. The concept of egalitarian society goes back to early vedic period . In early vedic period everyone was equal, there was no class based society. Everyone was in full autonomy. But in later vedic period ‘Chaturasharam’ system and varana system began to operate in Indian society, and since then we have been seeing the consequences of social evils and disparities on the basis of caste, creed, race and sometimes religion as well. Disparity among the religions, then disparity, prejudice, bias within the religion, among different caste. This ‘varana vayvastha’’ in early days played a decisive role in perpetuating caste based professions. Brahmanas were only eligible for accumulation of knowledge, Kshatriya could rule over them but were disqualified to get education. Shudras had very pathetic condition, they had to serve all the three above classes of society. But, today in Indian society we have Brahmanas, Kshatriya, Vaishya, and sudra, but they don’t have to comply by those caste based professions. Now, Indian society has come up above all disparities on the basis of caste, religion, linguistic bonds , earlier they were trapped in these labyrinths. These all became possible because education has played a splendid role as an emancipator for underprivileged ones. Although it is not enough for Indian society, still we have to resuscitate it. To make it egalitarian society education is prerequisite , besides this we need many other ingredients also.
Education is not less than enlightenment for those who have been living in darkness of social complexities. Common education for all and sundry can create a rational and uniform impact on all, and uniformity in the society is psyche of egalitarian society. Egalitarianism only can be realize when people are educated. School is consider as a “temple of education” is in itself a benign instance of classless and egalitarian society where we can find a son of scavenger, son of businessmen and son of officers on the same benches of class and also in the same dress. The right to life and dignity of an individual can not be assured unless it is accompanied by the right to education. At this juncture, proper implementation of RTE( Right to Education) can make drastic change in the society as far as egalitarianism is concern. 25% seats are already reserved for the poors and destitutes in private schools, this can provide extra impetus in creating egalitarian values among students, consequently in the whole society. This pattern of education which is prevailing in India can produce hipsters, who can make a modern India without any specific and privileged social strata. Only stipulation with education system is, it must render education which can help them out in “mental liberty’ and can help them in establishing egalitarian values.
The preamble of Indian constitution explicit all the egalitarian values. Liberty, Equality, Fraternity. Which are not separate items is a trinity. To divorce one from other is to defeat the very purpose of democracy. Detrimental problems through which India is passing are ‘Citizens are not aware of their rights, any law which is legislated in the parliament has subtle impact on their life. Education is the only way to make them aware and cognizant of their rights, after that they can realize the real taste of trinity – Liberty , Equality , and Fraternity. Liberty of social, political and economical and equality in all sphere of life. to make sense of egalitarian society, it is must to take into account the economic liberty more than any other liberties because for an empty stomach, adult franchise has no meaning. Economic prosperity can be achieve by educating the masses. Along with moral enhancement, education is also a cogent determiner of economic status. More educated people in society means people are more prosperous. Education paves the novel dawn, where economic independent and economically strong means high chances to defeat all evils in the society and annulment of strata based society.
For social stability people must work for one another. In
this regard Karl Marks’s dream of classless society can be realize by giving
them equal dignity and respect. Having labourers in the society is mandatory
for infrastructural development, doctors are necessary for making society
healthy, engineers to develop technical tools so that we can excel in
technology. Everyone's work is based on the individual hard work. when we bring
all these under consideration then we find society is somewhat based on
individual aspiration. So, providing all and sundry same facilities is a nightmare.
Even in the preamble of constitution, although it states EQUALITY for all but
literally it means ''Equality among equals''. But elementary education for all
can nullify differences which sometimes becomes the cause of discrimination.
Rudimentary knowledge for laborers can help them in safeguard their rights,
they can claim their entitlements if they will be aware of it. Proprietors must
have magnanimity towards laborers, owner should be benevolent and to inculcate
all these, they must have rational mindset along with ethical based education.
Thoughts of Rousseau, Lenin and in Indian context thoughts of Bhimrao Ambedkar,
M.N. Roy, Jawaharlal Nehru and mahatma gandhi are based on the equality for all
and to provide the dignity to all people, whosoever is adding something to
society by their work. Everyone's work in the society should be praiseworthy
and applaudable. So, people should get dignity if they are accomplishing their
obligation with probity.
Complex countries like India, education can bind
them all in single thread. Pragmatically,its complexities can be realized in
each and every arena. For instance, we can see number of languages in 100 rupee
note and we find 15 different languages, means 15 different linguistic groups
or distinct classes. Although India has myriads of languages with zillion of
people. In economic perspective, there are groups of rich and poor, rural and
urban, and land owner and day laborers. Socio-cultural factors like gender
divide. Divisions based on religion and caste, linguistic based divisions.
These numerous divisions can't be mingle
at the drop of a hate. Education can prove as potent instrument for
socialization process, but it can't take place drastically. This is long and
continous proces. But gradually educated mass can change their attitude and
mindset by cultivating egalitarian ethics. Essance of education is to lay down
foundation of humanity in the society. And all ethical, moral and humane values
are foundation stone of classless society. Education can provide all people
their respective dignitary identity.
Monday, 8 April 2013
Justice must reach the poor
Justice is “truth in Action” and in Indian context, poors are very far from it. In holistic approach justice includes all, Social, Economical, Civil and Political justice. A country like India which had already suffered a suppression of people’s utterance on British hand. But after independence poor people began to realize that their bad days have gone and now they will get equal share in country’s all resources and they will get justice easily because they are going to be the part of a “democratic nation”. But these dreams of people somewhat remained as dreams because of Indian social structure and the complex and clumsy way to seek justice made them more despair than they were used to be earlier.People in India still at bay from basic amenities, they have always been the victim of atrocities by affluents, bearing exploitations of capitals class and also higher caste. In Indian context discrimination on the basis of caste , creed, and religion is more critical and pathetic because we are denied our basic rights. Although, Constitution of India provides many remedial actions to exempt the destitutes from atrocities. Preamble of the constitution enshrines all the justices “ social, economic, and political”. But these all rules and rights are operational only for certain sections of society , although constitution makes them mandatory for all and sundry , but poor people barely get benefitted by these democratic ideas. There are many causes for which poors are still far and away from justice is “Lack of information”, Government is endeavoring its best to do just with poors, but in India majority of Indians live in villages where they are isolated from rest of India, they are confined to their own area only. They even don’t know about the flagship schemes run by the government and the laws which are made to safeguard them from discriminations and atrocities. What an irony is this?? , things are being done for poor but they don't know anything about them. Main problem is we have failed to link our rural people , and for this “digital gape” is one of the major cause. With rural perspective, India is semi-globalized country because majority of people are living in the countryside which almost constitutes 70% of India’s population are still not connected with whole India. Rular people are not aware of their entitlements and lack of information is responsible for their unawareness. For instance, People in villages still engaged in manual scavenging, they are reluctantly doing it as well, but they don’t know government has made a bill for them “Manual Scavenging bill 2012”, under which no one can employ any person for manual scavenging , it is prohibited by law. These laws are made to provide justice but they totally failed to deliver justice. Whether such legislations in itself can stop atrocities done on poors?? , whether, merely a law can stop malpractices?? . Lack of information about the schemes and other public funds are exempting poors from their basic entitlements. Enhancing education among the poors and efficient working of government institution on block level can make a difference., and can make their life worth living.
This is a paradox, when india is excelling in the world in terms of economy, and trades , at the same time poors in India, even today is dominated by the higher class and higher caste and bearing atrocities and exploitations on their hand, in every conditions poors are always at the receiving end. To stop atrocities done by the dominated section of society , there is a constitutional institution i.e. courts, set up to redress the grievances but due to high court fee and expensive lawyers along with omnishamble judicial process , poors barely get any justice. Due to destitution poors can’t hire good lawyers and lack of good
lawyers means rare chance of justice, which in pragmatic sense is the real face of judiciary system in India. In some cases even judges are bought by affluents. Rampant corruption in public institutions make poors’ life more destructive. When any law starts to fade its lusture due to obsessive misuse, people at that juncture lose their faith from law. Rampant corruption and infringement of laws have became the reason of poor’s suppressed utterance , actually they are caught in catch-22 situation. Justice in many cases is not being deliver due to the cumbersome and sluggish process of courts, in many cases poors have to strive for 20 or even more years to get justice, although with uncertainity. For poors ‘’Justice delayed is justice denied’’ In India, where 70% population spending their lives on 20 rupees per day, if they don’t have sufficient money to survive , then how can they bear the court fee and lawyers fee to seek justice, that’s why in many cases they even don’t file their cases and continue to bear atrocities. So, The biggest evil for them is their poverty.
Reservation policy by the government has helped a lot to the poors who are from lower strata of society. But since independence , this reservation policy has created a huge gap“Inequality among equals” . If reservation policy has already helped some people and now they are above the average life standard of Indian people, then why they are still getting benefits of this eternal reservation policy?? . Once a person comes out of the vicious cycle of poverty, for them there should not be any reservation. Not perpetuation but eradication of poverty and caste system was the motive of reservation policy. Whenever we talk about the justice for poors. Political leaders always come up with the new reservation policy for different groups, if one favors SC/STs then others demand reservation for muslims. Is reservation Is the right , and only way to give justice to the people ?? In India few communities are in majority besides this all are minorities. Is reservation on the basis of minority group right?? .Is it not the perpetuation of vote bank?? .
Notwithstanding having all flaws and fiasco of government institutions in perspective of justice delivery to the destitutes. Still there is a ray of hope for poors because now the scenario is changing. NGOs and civil society are getting active day by day. Now government is making schemes considering the final outcomes from that particular scheme. “Aanganbaadi” , “Janni suraksha yojna” , “Kaniya vidya dhan” etc. are the schemes which are being implemented in the grassroot level. For social justice and to deliver time bound services to the citizens especially poors , Bihar government has implemented the ‘’Right to Public Service’’ , following the footsteps by seeing the success in bihar, Odisha government has also implemented this right in odisha. The main problem with poors is they are not cognizant of the things for which they are entitled. Now, making them aware , this task is take up by many NGOs . A.P.J. Abdul kalam’s mission to eradicate poverty from the world by global sustainable development system, that is PURA ( providing urban amenities in rural areas). By these type of innovative steps poors must get justice and justice will reach the poors. This will definitely bridge the gap between rural and urban people and will help the rural people to come up and work with solidarity to make India full globalized. Because, if we believe ‘’justice must reach the poors’’ then the permanent solution is to eradicate that poverty and vanish the poors by making them affluents by providing all amenities to them, justice will automatically reach to their doorsteps. It is long process but cent percent possible. To make justice delivery process efficient for poors we must need judicial reforms, reforms in the way of execution of schemes and Probity in government offices. Now a days to exempt poors from cumbersome process of
court and to deliver justice at the drop of a hate , some states have already initiated the process of “Jantaa Darbaar” where poor people’s grievances are being heard and they are also redressed on the spot.
By:- Tanveer Ashraf
Wednesday, 3 April 2013
Managing work and home :- Is the Indian working woman getting Fair deal ??
Women in India continue to face discrimination and social challenges and often becomes the victims of domestic violence. Somehow the scene has drastically changed in past two decades. Time has gone when women were kept confined to the four walls then women were abandon to participate in holistic mundane life. Women were only consider as suitable for household work. After myriads of agitations by feminists and ‘’Pro-Women Liberty” movements along with adequate state’s participation, women have established not totally but partially affirmed their position in the society. Now, women are empowered in many perspectives. They are doing jobs in various post of the country, but If we say'' Indian women'' then we can't exclude those women who belong to rular background. Although their miserable conditions fail to impact the existing '' Brand India'' but indeed they constitutes the real ''Bharat''. Those women who are working in paddy fields whole day and then accomplish the household chores , these cumbersome work make their life more than hell. Women working in ''tea plantation'' fields even have to carry their child on their back, but to earn their livelihood they are reluctant to do, afterall they are dominated by their male partner. In such cases what should be the obligations of men??. . Is it a fair deal for working women?? ..There is no doubt, women are becoming self reliant and enjoying economic liberty but for this they are doing compromise with ''human liberty''. This time is more devastating for women because outside work and home related chores are making their conditions more pathetic.Indian society is male dominated society, to break this stereotype women should come forward to claim their entitlement, i.e. ‘’equal rights in public sphere’’ . Most of the elite class women are now self-reliant and self-dependent. Most of them working in prestigious companies and organizations. In some areas they are proving themselves as excel than men. Notwithstanding having all equal abilities in official work, in most cases they are facing prejudice ,they don’t get equal weightage in their work, sometimes they have to work at low wages along with extra burden of household chores. In this perspective Indian women is not getting a fair deal. If both husband and wife are working and they both are enhancing family’s fiscal status, then Is it not the duty of the husband to accomplish half of the household chores???....................
Humans have created the society and society has distributed the work , women for household work, and men for outside work. This distribution of work by society is outdated as women’s work is not restricted to house ,they are also contributing in ‘’outside work’’ , if this change is dynamic ,then why men’s work is restricted to outside only??? …..This is a gender bias. Societal rule has always been the impediment of women’s autonomy, inter-alia physical, mental and social.
Status quo for women in India is solely a case of discrimination. Rural areas are more prone to such prejudice. Orthodox ideology still prevails in the society. Male chauvinists can’t see women of claiming equal rights, they consider such acts as against social norms and consequently women have to face violence. So, in this case only empowering women, and making them economically strong will not affirm
their position in the society until we have any potent instrument to eradicate the stranglehold male domination over the society. To change the status quo we should have to make women empower economically , and most importantly changing of mindset of male in the society will help in getting equal status for women.
As far as human rights and equal distribution of works are concerned, besides managing work and home, women have certain ‘’Natural obligations’’ as well. Status of motherhood, and related complexities are only provided to women by nature. Perhaps this was not considered at the time of work distribution by the society, but in pragmatic, how can we neglect it?? ....Men are exempted from these type of obligations, so to mitigate the workload of women, will it be wrong to entrust men with certain household obligations??...
We are living in a dynamic society, ceaseless effort and pro-women equality thinking can make a great difference. This unfair deal can be converted into a fair deal by certain changes in the society. Male fanatics must change their mindset, equal participation of male member of the family in accomplishing household chores, by valuing women's work in home which are often treated as work with zero value, its time to provide equal dignity to women and finally, Working women can choose their delegates to perform their household chores, by this they can empower those women belonging to lower strata by providing jobs in their homes.
By:- Tanveer Ashraf
Monday, 1 April 2013
Globalization Vs Nationalism
Globalization in indian context is not a new phenomenon. India had, for millennia, been engaged with the rest of the world. It has enjoyed a series of visitation and fierce invasions, that’s why even in old inscriptions we find the sanskrit dictum “Vasudhaiva kutumbakam’’*the world is a family+,what we call today is a ‘global village’ but after advent of British [east india company] in india ,for nearly 200 years we became isolated with rest of world. Britishers made trade policy of india for their own benefits .But later half of British rule is more crucial because it was the time when a sense of nationalism began to generate among the indian masses and it was the counter product of hostile British rule in india. Nationalism was at its peak during the second half of the 19th century[1857 revolt] and during first half of the 20th century,when we launched many successful moments agains British rule.Neverthlesss, after independence, india emphasized to remain as self-reliant country almost for four decades it was because of political omnishamble, social and economic chaos at that time . until 1991, we relied on domestic production or we followed ‘Swadeshi’ but in 1991, when india opened it economy to the world and pronounced the principle of LPG (Liberalization , privatization and globalization ) , among which globalization has played a better role in making india realize its potential in the world stage . India took risk , eventually it proved miracle for indian economy and globalization become a successful model for india .
Today ,. India is fastest growing economy in the world and third largest country in world in terms of PPP (purchasing power parity),according to IMF (International Monetry Fund). The success story in Indian context which has made India a visual place in the world map is due to policy of globalization , besides this there were many factors which are responsible for making it successful , government’s liberal norms with trade , abolition of licence raj , role of corporate sector , and in recent times role of internet can’t be neglected . In this world of internet , country’s boundaries are virtual and fictitious , frontiers can’t stop the different country’s citizen to create a new global village of which, they can be better describe as “NETIZENS” (cyber citizens ) many social media is playing their splendid role in fusion of people’s though , culture and life style.
India has entered in that era where physical border lines in perspective of professionalism ( trade with another nation) has no meaning but in terms of nationalism we have strong and sensitive frontiers lines like LOC (line of control) with Pakistan and macmohan line with China. We have created these lines because we want growth but not at the cost of people’s life which are against the citizens’ interest.
Nationalism is something which bounds us from our motherland and especially with the people who are associated with the motherland. This sense of national integrity can’t be fade with the enhancement of globalized world. Even our leaders who represent India on the world stage take decision by keeping in mind the interest of 120 crores people of India. Globalization has augmented the tranquility and fraternity among the nations but in some points it has also created huge diplomatic complications ,recent ‘’Italian marines case’’ is a trivial example of diplomatic conflict.
There are some problems which are not related to any particular country, they are global problems like carbon emission, climate related complications, environmental degradation, proliferation, energy security etc.., we have to come together to tackle these problems. There are many forces which are making us close through globalization but International terrorism which is the negative facet of globalization is making people more concern of national security and enhance nationalism in them.
Nationalism and globalization are two different terms with contrasting sense. Globalization emphasize on enhancing the relationship with rest of the world, while nationalism emphasize on enhancing the relation the relationship within the country. Nationalism arises out of the sense of being a particular country’s citizen which confined us to the particular country only but in the era of globalization we must set aside ‘’chauvinism’’ or ultranationalism to make the globe as a better place for living. Chauvinism for a country in this globalized world could create war related problem. Nationalism in itself is good for country’s welfare and for the welfare of the nationals. Main challenges for us are to maintain our nationalism along with globalization with motive to increase fraternity with rest of the world, so that we can combat our problems of global order.
There are also some critics of globalization in Indian context that after 1991, ‘’poors are becoming more poorer’’ and affulents are getting staggeringly rich. Globalization is only for Affluents and they are only getting its benefits. Destitutes have suffered from the process of globalization. Somewhat it is true but the main cause of destitution and sufferings of poors in India is not only globalization. The ‘’Vicious Cycle’’ in which they had been caught years ago is still prevail in the lower strata of Indian society, and these are due to the failure of policy implementation and people’s own lack of will to revive themselves.
When we talk about globalization we connect it to the economic terms and trade with other countries. Is it not a narrow definition of Globalization??. Jawahar Lal Nehru had said on the eve of indedencdent india on 15th august 1947 in the historic speech of ‘’tryst with detiny’’ that ‘’ Those dreams are for India, but they are also for the world’’ . This sentence alone utters a beautiful combination of both ‘globalization with aspiration of national interest’, but , Whether status quo globalization policy favours all dreams which once Jawahar Lal Nehru talked about??. Along with economic globalization we need to globalize our education system with the contemporary world, we still have old outdated police system, so we need to globalize the internal security system as well. Then we realize the real taste of globalization.
We can connect our nationalism ( Pro-National Interest) to globalized world in numerous forms and in myriad ways to create peace in the world. We should take Jawahar Lal Nehru’s sentence ‘’ Those dreams are for Indian, but they are also for the world’’ in revamped form as ‘’ Those dreams are for world, but they should be also for India’’. Then at that juncture we can eradicate destitution and can make Indian society as world level society and India can emerge as a new global power.
By:- Tanveer Ashraf
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