Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Managing work and home :- Is the Indian working woman getting Fair deal ??

Women in India continue to face discrimination and social challenges and often becomes the victims of domestic violence. Somehow the scene has drastically changed in past two decades. Time has gone when women were kept confined to the four walls then women were abandon to participate in holistic mundane life. Women were only consider as suitable for household work. After myriads of agitations by feminists and ‘’Pro-Women Liberty” movements along with adequate state’s participation, women have established not totally but partially affirmed their position in the society. Now, women are empowered in many perspectives. They are doing jobs in various post of the country, but If we say'' Indian women'' then we can't exclude those women who belong to rular background. Although their miserable conditions fail to impact the existing '' Brand India'' but indeed they constitutes the real ''Bharat''. Those women who are working in paddy fields whole day and then accomplish the household chores , these cumbersome work make their life more than hell. Women working in ''tea plantation'' fields even have to carry their child on their back, but to earn their livelihood they are reluctant to do, afterall they are dominated by their male partner. In such cases what should be the obligations of men??. . Is it a fair deal for working women?? ..There is no doubt, women are becoming self reliant and enjoying economic liberty but for this they are doing compromise with ''human liberty''. This time is more devastating for women because outside work and home related chores are making their conditions more pathetic.
Indian society is male dominated society, to break this stereotype women should come forward to claim their entitlement, i.e. ‘’equal rights in public sphere’’ . Most of the elite class women are now self-reliant and self-dependent. Most of them working in prestigious companies and organizations. In some areas they are proving themselves as excel than men. Notwithstanding having all equal abilities in official work, in most cases they are facing prejudice ,they don’t get equal weightage in their work, sometimes they have to work at low wages along with extra burden of household chores. In this perspective Indian women is not getting a fair deal. If both husband and wife are working and they both are enhancing family’s fiscal status, then Is it not the duty of the husband to accomplish half of the household chores???....................
Humans have created the society and society has distributed the work , women for household work, and men for outside work. This distribution of work by society is outdated as women’s work is not restricted to house ,they are also contributing in ‘’outside work’’ , if this change is dynamic ,then why men’s work is restricted to outside only??? …..This is a gender bias. Societal rule has always been the impediment of women’s autonomy, inter-alia physical, mental and social.
Status quo for women in India is solely a case of discrimination. Rural areas are more prone to such prejudice. Orthodox ideology still prevails in the society. Male chauvinists can’t see women of claiming equal rights, they consider such acts as against social norms and consequently women have to face violence. So, in this case only empowering women, and making them economically strong will not affirm
their position in the society until we have any potent instrument to eradicate the stranglehold male domination over the society. To change the status quo we should have to make women empower economically , and most importantly changing of mindset of male in the society will help in getting equal status for women.
As far as human rights and equal distribution of works are concerned, besides managing work and home, women have certain ‘’Natural obligations’’ as well. Status of motherhood, and related complexities are only provided to women by nature. Perhaps this was not considered at the time of work distribution by the society, but in pragmatic, how can we neglect it?? ....Men are exempted from these type of obligations, so to mitigate the workload of women, will it be wrong to entrust men with certain household obligations??...
We are living in a dynamic society, ceaseless effort and pro-women equality thinking can make a great difference. This unfair deal can be converted into a fair deal by certain changes in the society. Male fanatics must change their mindset, equal participation of male member of the family in accomplishing household chores, by valuing women's work in home which are often treated as work with zero value, its time to provide equal dignity to women and finally, Working women can choose their delegates to perform their household chores, by this they can empower those women belonging to lower strata by providing jobs in their homes.
By:- Tanveer Ashraf

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