Thursday 5 November 2015

                Democracy And its Shades 
Democratic setup in India has delivered a vibrant Growth in terms of economy. The success of democracy can be measured by two parameters, one is the kind and level of equality citizens possess and second 'Rule of law' must be upheld. Along with these we must see whether different pillars of democracy is working independently and accomplishing their own home work without intervening each other or not. The recent Judgment of supreme court in which it struck down the National Judicial Appointment Commission Act (NJAC) has created so much hue and cry in the country. But it was the contention between different organs of the government and Judiciary. When we talk about democracy first thing which strick in our mind is ELECTIONS through which we choose our representative and sent them to do our job on behalf of us in parliaments our state assemblies. Since independence Indian democracy has witnessed hundreds of elections at different level. Democracy sometimes sarcastically referred as 'Mediocracy' for good reasons, we have many. Bihar Assembly Election was such spectacular show.
Political equality means every citizen regardless of caste, creed, sec, gender and religion can exercise their franchise without fear and favour. One man one vote is political equality. 'Caste based politics' 'cash for vote' Religion driven vote' and ideology of political parties create sentimental ruckus henceforth politicise the people with certain tag "BJP supporter' or 'Congress supporter'. Rest of the people who are ignorant, illiterate and are not aware of the facts get manipulated with half-baked ideas.In recent Bihar Assembly election 90% of such people voted against BJP because they want to eat beef in future also. One woman who is in her 60s asked me Is it true if BJP would come to power we have to marry our daughters in opposite religion? Vice versa, If you want to establish our lost glory, if you want to make India a Hindu nation be wary of INC. These are nothing but the by product of hate speeches and growing intolerance in the country. To establish government of  certain party we even forget to see the merits and demerits of local candidate who is going to represent us in Loksabha or Assembly. Democracy gives equal opportunity to get elected as an MP or MLA. Can you dare to throw your hate in the ring?  Politics in India is highly risk prone job and as a matter of fact only unemployed persons can take that much risk. Once triumphant it becomes a job of siphoning off public treasury and a complete Sinecure. Election commission has succeeded in holding free and fair elections but it doesn't make any sense if there is no level playing field at the grass root level. Ideology and Mindset duo play crucial role in electioneering. To Fix all these things we must work in tendem to do away with unscrupulous man between candidate and the voters. Priority determines the whole game, Country first and Rable rousers ( Bad apples in politics ) must be shown their way. We ought not to supports leaders who hate other community whether it is muslim or hindu. Hating one community doesn't mean loving other.
GB Shaw had said, 'Oh ! Disrespectable democracy I love you.' Democracy is the best form of government. there is no point in throwing the baby out with bath water but without rectifying the status quo flaws we will dump the people down and will never succeed in curving out the best.
Kudos to the democratic Institutions for strengthening Indian democracy. There is silver lining amid every entangled problem. We are bridging the digital gap. The process of connecting every people has been started It is transition period for indian democracy when people are shifting their ideologies from various dimensions to the Nation it's herald that we want change.

                                                                                   By:- Tanveer Ashraf 

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